ons. 21. aug.
NMM registration - Copenhagen 2024
Official registration for the Nordic Meteorological Meeting in Copennhagen, 21-23 august 2024.
Tid og sted
21. aug. 2024, 09.00 – 23. aug. 2024, 17.00
København, Sankt Kjelds Pl. 11, 2100 København, Danmark
Om eventet
The 33th Nordic Meteorologist Meeting (NMM) hosted by the Danish Meteorological Society will take
place 21-23 august 2024 in Copenhagen, see https://www.dams.dk/nmm2024
We look forward to see you in Copenhagen.
The venues and topic areas are summarized below:
Day 1: Venue at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI): Sankt Kjelds Plads 11, Copenhagen.
Topic areas:
-Polar meteorology and climate (morning)
-Climate: attribution and services (afternoon)
After the afternoon session a poster session will be held and an icebreaker event.
Day 2: Venue at the premises of Royal Academy of Sciences in Copenhagen, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 35.
Topic areas:
-Forecasting (NWP) including dissemination (morning)
-AI in forecasting and climate (afternoon)
A break will be arranged in the afternoon for possible sightseeing activity in central Copenhagen,
e.g. at the famous New Carlsberg Glyptoteque nearby (self-paid). In the evening a free
conference Dinner will be held at the Royal Academy of Sciences.
Day 3: Venue at the Danish Technical Univ. DTU Risø Campus, Frederiksborgvej 399 in Roskilde.
Topic areas:
- Energy Meteorology (morning)
- Panel discussion on selected topics (afternoon)
- A tour de Risø Campus in sub-groups to be arranged (afternoon)
Excellent public transport is available between Copenhagen and DTU Risø Campus.
The general registration fee of the meeting to be 200 €. This fee is valid to all participants and should be paid by 15 May.
Additional information: The oral presentations at the meeting are limited to 20 min. The organizers would
like also to receive a short abstract (~ 100 words) related with all presentations. The submission deadline is
15 May 2024. All Abstracts of proposed presentations should be sent to Sven-Erik Gryning
( sveg@dtu.dk ) and Eigil Kaas ( kaas@nbi.ku.dk ). A decision on oral presentations and posters will be
taken shortly after the deadline and communicated latest 1. June, together with more details related with
the meeting.
Ticket for NMM 2024
3 days event, with icebreaker event and conference Dinner at the Royal Academy of Sciences included in the ticket.
200,00 €Salg slut
0,00 €