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Dima Skvorsky
01. dec. 2022
In DaMS Møder
Катар 2022 - Група "F": Сребро и бронз в един потокФиналистът от Мондиал 2018 Хърватия и Белгия, бронзов медалист преди четири години в Русия, си дават среща в предварителна група "F" на предстоящото световно първенство в Катар. Вдъхновени от гения на неостаряващия Лука Модрич, "ватрените" бяха на ръба на сензация, но в последната среща на "Лужники" триумфира Франция. Сега хърватите ще искат да докажат на планетата, че няма нищо случайно в епохалния им успех на предишния мондиал. Същата е и целта на белгийците, които се бориха здраво срещу "петлите", но бяха спрени крачка преди финала след 0:1 срещу Килиан Мбапе и компания. За първи път от 1986-а и едва за втори път в историята си на шампионата на планетата ще се представи тимът на Канада. Четвъртото място в този поток е за отбора на Мароко, който ще се опита отново гордо да развее знамето на Черния континент, както го направи с равенството 2:2 с Испания в групите през 2018 година. Белгия - Мароко 0:2 (Развой по минути) - Канада W срещу Мароко W безплатни резултати от живо и Канада W срещу Мароко W безплатни резултати от живо и видео поток (2022/10/10)AiScore Football LiveScore ви предоставя несравними футболни резултати на живо и футболни резултати от над 2600+ футболни лиги, купи и турнири. Вземете резултати на живо, полувреме и футболни резултати на пълно работно време, голмайстори и асистенти, картони, замени, статистика на мачовете и поток на живо от Висшата лига, Ла Лига, Серия А, Бундеслига, Лига 1, Ередивизия, Руската Висша лига, Бразилия, MLS, Супер Лиг и шампионат на AiScore. com. AiScore предлага на всички футболни фенове резултати на живо, резултати от футбол на живо, резултати от футбол, таблици на първенството и състезания за първенства, купи и турнири, и не само от най-популярните футболни лиги като Англия Висша лига, Испания Ла Лига, Италия Серия А, Германия Бундеслига, Франция Лига 1, но също така и от широк кръг футболни държави от цял ​​свят, включително от Северна и Южна Америка, Азия и Африка. [ПОТОК НА ЖИВО] Мароко Хърватия гледай на - Kirnbach Мароко се нуждае само от точка срещу Канада, за да продължи напредМароко се изправя срещу Канада в мач от група "F" на Световното първенство. Срещата е от 17:00 часа. "Атласките лъвове" се нуждаят от победа или равенство, която ще им гарантира място на 1/8 финалите. В предишния кръг мароканците сразиха фаворита Белгия с 2:0, а преди това направиха 0:0 с "шахматистите". ВИЖТЕ ТУК КОЙ Е ФАВОРИТ В МАЧА! Всичко това им осигури възможността да продължат напред дори само при реми в днешния мач. Развоят на другия мач между Белгия и Хърватия само ще подреди финалното класиране в групата. Ако показателите са абсолютно еднакви, се прилагат следните критерии: преки двубои между двата или повечето замесени тима, головата разлика в тях и повечето отбелязани голове. Група A I Група B I Група C Група D I Група E I Група F Хърватия Хърватия изненада много хора с финала си на Световното първенство през 2018 г., загубен от Франция, но не се представи толкова добре на Евро 2020, отпадайки на осминафиналите. Въпреки 37-те си години, полузащитникът на Реал Мадрид Лука Модрич продължава да е все така превъзходен играч и талисман на "ватрените". Ветеранът със сигурност ще дъде всичко от себе си на мондиала, който почти сигурно ще бъде последният в кариерата му. [Безплатно-] Канада Мароко гледай на живо 1 декември 2022 Хърватия премина убедително през квалификациите и загуби само веднъж - на старта срещу Словения. Какво ли ще постигне в Катар борбеният отбор на треньора Златко Далич? Белгия Доста време Белгия се гордееше като отбор №1 в ранглистата на ФИФА, но "червените дяволи" бяха свалени от върха от Бразилия. Това обаче по никакъв начин не променя факта, че отборът на Роберто Мартинес притежава изключителна класа. Канада - Мароко » Резултати На Живо, Коефициенти + Нашите резултати за футболни резултати на живо се актуализират на живо в реално време, за да сте в течение с всички актуализации на живо на футболни мачове, които се случват днес, заедно с резултатите от футболни резултати на живо за всички завършени футболни мачове за всяка футболна и футболна лига. Повечето от златното поколение на белгийците още са в състава, което не вещае нищо добро за съперниците им. Селекционерът Мартинес изрази надежди, че Катар 2022 най-после ще се превърне в първенството, на което "червените дяволи" ще успеят да постигнат нещо историческо, след като вече почти десетилетие неминуемо са слагани сред фаворитите. И това е напълно обяснимо с вълшебник като Кевин де Бройне от Манчестър Сити и безпощаден стрелец в лицето на завърналия се в Интер Ромелу Лукаку. Купуване на продукти в YouTube - Поток на живо (((гледам===))) Нидерландия Еквадор гледате мача на Белгия - Мароко 0:2 (Развой по минути)Отборите на Белгия и Мароко се изправят един срещу друг в двубой от група F на Мондиал 2022. Европейците стартираха с трудна победа над Канада, докато представителите на Африка дадоха максимален отпор на световния вицешампион Хърватия - 0:0. Червените дяволи" пристигнаха на финалите в Катар като един от фаворитите, но срещу Канада изобщо не бяха убедителни и даже трябва да се чувстват късметлии, че взеха трите точки. Тимът на Роберто Мартинес обаче е пълен с талантливи и опитни играчи. ВИЖТЕ ТУК КОЙ Е ФАВОРИТ В МАЧА! Със сигурност Ромелу Лукаку няма да е титуляр и този път, като според лекарския щаб на тима е най-добре той да пропусне и тази среща. Не е изключено обаче той да се появи, ако резултатът го изисква. Мароканците пък демонстрираха дух срещу Хърватия и показаха, че с нищо не отстъпват на реномирания европейски състав. Африканците започват участието си с мач срещу Хърватия на 23 ноември, а в същия ден ще се играе и Белгия - Канада. Програма 23 ноември: Мароко - Хърватия и Белгия - Канада 27 ноември: Белгия - Мароко и Хърватия - Канада 1 декември: Хърватия - Белгия и Канада - Мароко Първите два отбора от всяка група се класират за 1/8-финалите. Ако два или повече тима са с равен брой точки, първо се гледа головата разлика (предимство дават повечето отбелязани голове). [[[гледам телевизия]]] България Испания поток на живо 1 - IAMTN [[[ПОТОК==]]=] Хърватия Канада гледате мача на живо в
Dima Skvorsky
01. dec. 2022
In DaMS Møder
Klanten die zowel vast internet als een mobiel abonnement hebben bij KPN krijgen daar bovenop standaard vijf euro korting per maand. Bekijk het aanbod van KPN inzake Viaplay. Ziggo en Viaplay F1 kijken Ondanks dat Ziggo Sport de uitzendrechten voor de Formule 1 is kwijtgeraakt, is het via de provider wel mogelijk om een abonnement te nemen op de nieuwe streamingdienst. De klanten van Ziggo kunnen de eerste vier maanden voor een eenmalige prijs van 20, - euro proberen. Hierop zal de Formule 1 te zien zijn, maar ook de Bundesliga en Premier League en enkele films en series. Registreren van Viaplay kost 9, 99 euro per maand als je het voor 31 juli afsluit. Daarna gaat het 13, 99 euro per maand kosten. Formule 1 kijken: programma Viaplay Iedere vrije training, kwalificatie en Grand Prix van de Formule 1 zal in Nederland vanaf 2022 live uitgezonden worden door Viaplay. Amber Brantsen zal de uitzendingen presenteren, terwijl Nelson Valkenburg en Melroy Heemskerk het commentaar zullen leveren. We willen de kijker een zo compleet mogelijk inkijkje geven van Formula 1 in deze globale sport', liet hij onder andere weten. Lees het hele artikel. F1 bij KPN en Ziggo KPN en Viaplay F1 kijken KPN laat nieuwe klanten die overstappen naar de provider het hele Formule 1-seizoen gratis bekijken met Viaplay. Bestaande KPN-klanten krijgen korting op Viaplay. De introductieprijs is 9, 99 euro per maand en zal na verloop van tijd 13, 99 euro worden. Dit is niet alleen formule 1 kijken maar betreft ook andere programma's. In 2022 zullen de wintertestdagen in Bahrein live worden uitgezonden op het kanaal van F1TV. Eerder gebeurde dat alleen in 2021. F1TV Pro vs F1 TV Access kijken De prijzen van F1TV vallen voordeliger uit dan bij de verschillende telecomproviders, die Viaplay in hun pakket opnemen. Bovendien krijg je twee opties: als eerste F1TV Access, waarop je enkel de herhalingen kan terugkijken van de verschillende raceklassen. Japan versus Spanje: Livestream, Waar te Bekijken Ook kan je historische Formule 1 races nog eens kijken. Met F1TV Pro kijk je alles live en kan je ook gebruikmaken van live timing en onboard-beelden van de Formule 1 coureurs. Het beschikt ook over de opties die F1TV Access heeft. Voor F1TV Access ben je in een jaar 26, 99 euro kwijt, wat gelijkstaat aan 2, 99 euro per maand. Voor F1TV Pro betaal je jaarlijks 64, 99 euro, wat in de maand zo'n 7, 99 euro kost. Een volledig overzicht over de prijzen van F1TV vind je hier. Benieuwd of F1 TV Pro het waard is? Check het hier! VPN en Formule 1 live kijken Een andere mogelijkheid om de Formule 1 live te kijken in 2022 is om een VPN te gebruiken. Formule 1 live kijken - Waar is de F1 te zien in 2022? Live Formule 1 kijken? Op deze pagina zet F1 Maximaal op een rijtje waar je Formule 1 live kan kijken in Nederland in het F1-seizoen van 2022. Formule 1 kijken kan onder andere middels Viaplay, maar ook bij Ziggo, KPN en F1TV. Actuele acties: - Viaplay heeft per 1 augustus een korting van 25% op een jaarabonnement vlak voor de start van het Premier League-seizoen. Viaplay heeft rechten Formule 1 live Viaplay biedt ook een eigen streamingsdienst aan in Nederland. ((Live tv==)) Australië Denemarken kijken 30 november 2022 Wil je deze Formule 1 documentaire over Max kijken? De documentaire Lion Unleashed is te zien op de site van Viaplay als je een abonnement hebt afgesloten. Vanaf 2022 heeft Ziggo Sport niet meer de rechten van de Formule 1 in handen. Deze zijn nu in het bezit van Viaplay (Foto: Red Bull Content Pool/Getty Images). Kritiek op Viaplay F1 kijken Na de eerste uitzendingen is er op sociale media kritiek geweest op de uitzendingen van Viaplay inzake de Formule 1. De algehele tendens is dat Olav Mol wordt gemist en dat de analisten ook niet al te plezant worden ervaren. NENT-topman heeft in De Telegraaf gereageerd op die kritiek. Hij zei onder andere 'dat F1 veel meer is dan Verstappen alleen'. 'Max Verstappen is een geweldig talent, maar Formule 1 kijken is ook veel meer dan Max Verstappen alleen. sporza Japan - Spanje op TV | Kijk Live WK 2022 Qatar Duitsland met twee wijzigingen in kraker tegen Spanje Dit tot grote teleurstelling van onder ander andere Mol en Plooij en sommige Formule 1-fans. Vooral Mol zit al jaren in het vak, maar heeft al laten weten wel door te gaan met Formule 1 voor onder andere zijn radiozender Grand Prix Radio. Live streams kijken van Formule 1? Op 1 maart 2022 is Viaplay live gegaan in Nederland. Ze hebben daarbij bekendgemaakt dat ze een documentaire van Max Verstappen, genaamd Lion Unleashed, hebben vrijgegeven. LIVE JAPAN-SPANJE (20u). 'La Roja' is leider, maar - HLN Live Voetbal Kijken Vandaag/Vanavond. Hesgoal WK. Live Formule 1 live kijken - Waar is de F1 te zien in 2022? Japan - Spanje | 01 december - Voetbal Vandaag Daarna betalen de klanten de reguliere prijs van 9, 99 euro per maand. Net als bij KPN kijk je bij Ziggo Viaplay straks gewoon via je televisie, computer of laptop en natuurlijk middels de Viaplay-app op je telefoon of tablet. Op deze manier kun je makkelijk Formula 1 kijken. F1 kijken via F1TV De Formule 1 Grands Prix worden ook verslagen via F1TV, dit is een online kanaal van Formula1. com. Op Formula 1 kan je alles zien wat de Formule 1, Formule 2, Formule 3 én Porsche Supercup te bieden hebben. In de studio zullen Christijan Albers en Tom Coronel de sport analyseren voor de kijker, terwijl Stephane Kox ter plekke aanwezig is om de coureurs en teambazen te interviewen en met het laatste F1 nieuws uit de paddock te komen. Meer over de prijzen van Viaplay vind je hier. Viaplay heeft ervoor gekozen om de F1 samenwerking die Ziggo altijd had met Olav Mol, Jack Plooij, Robert Kamphues en Robert Doornbos niet te continueren. NOS WK voetbal: Japan - Spanje (Sport, 2022) kijken -
Dima Skvorsky
01. dec. 2022
In DaMS Møder
[[VOETBAL<]>] Kroatië België kijken live 1 december 2022 De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil in Kuala Lumpur. >> Live Maleisië - Cambodja stream kijken Vriendschappelijk internationaal 2022 ADO Den Haag - Feyenoord W Vrijdag 9 december 2022 - 19:30 uur ADO Den Haag neemt het op 09-12-2022 in de Eredivisie Vrouwen in eigen huis op tegen Feyenoord W. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in in. >> Live ADO Den Haag - Feyenoord W stream kijken PEC Zwolle - Alkmaar Vrouwen Vrijdag 9 december 2022 - 19:30 uur MAC³PARK Stadion ZwollePEC Zwolle neemt het op 09-12-2022 in de Eredivisie Vrouwen in eigen huis op tegen Alkmaar Vrouwen. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in MAC³PARK Stadion in Zwolle. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Stade Maurice Dufrasne in Liege. >> Live Standard Liège II - Lierse Kempenzonen stream kijken Bolton Wanderers - Bristol Rovers Vrijdag 2 december 2022 - 20:45 uur University of Bolton Stadium BoltonBolton Wanderers neemt het op 02-12-2022 in de League One in eigen huis op tegen Bristol Rovers. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in University of Bolton Stadium in Bolton. >> Live Bolton Wanderers - Bristol Rovers stream kijken League One 2022/2023 Charlton Athletic - Cheltenham Town Vrijdag 2 december 2022 - 20:45 uur The Valley LondonCharlton Athletic neemt het op 02-12-2022 in de League One in eigen huis op tegen Cheltenham Town. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Van Roystadion in Denderleeuw. >> Live Dender - Beerschot-Wilrijk stream kijken Wycombe Wanderers - Portsmouth Zondag 4 december 2022 - 13:30 uur Adams Park High WycombeWycombe Wanderers neemt het op 04-12-2022 in de League One in eigen huis op tegen Portsmouth. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Adams Park in High Wycombe. >> Live Wycombe Wanderers - Portsmouth stream kijken Deinze - Waasland-Beveren Zondag 4 december 2022 - 18:00 uur Burgermeester Van De Wiele Stadion DeinzeDeinze neemt het op 04-12-2022 in de Eerste Divisie B in eigen huis op tegen Waasland-Beveren. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Burgermeester Van De Wiele Stadion in Deinze. >> Live Stockport County - Charlton Athletic stream kijken FA Cup 2022/2023 Gillingham - Dagenham & Redbridge Donderdag 8 december 2022 - 20:15 uur MEMS Priestfield Stadium GillinghamGillingham neemt het op 08-12-2022 in de FA Cup in eigen huis op tegen Dagenham & Redbridge. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in MEMS Priestfield Stadium in Gillingham. >> Live Gillingham - Dagenham & Redbridge stream kijken Maleisië - Cambodja Vrijdag 9 december 2022 - 14:00 uur Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil Kuala LumpurMaleisië neemt het op 09-12-2022 in de Vriendschappelijk internationaal in eigen huis op tegen Cambodja. (VANDAAG!) Kroatië België kijken streaming 1 december 2022 De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Sportpark De Toekomst in Amsterdam. >> Live Ajax - PEC Zwolle stream kijken Eredivisie Vrouwen 2022/2023 Feyenoord W - FC Twente Vrijdag 2 december 2022 - 19:30 uur Feyenoord W neemt het op 02-12-2022 in de Eredivisie Vrouwen in eigen huis op tegen FC Twente. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in in. >> Live Feyenoord W - FC Twente stream kijken Fortuna Sittard W - Telstar W Vrijdag 2 december 2022 - 19:30 uur Fortuna Sittard Stadion SittardFortuna Sittard W neemt het op 02-12-2022 in de Eredivisie Vrouwen in eigen huis op tegen Telstar W. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Fortuna Sittard Stadion in Sittard. >> Live Fortuna Sittard W - Telstar W stream kijken Alkmaar Vrouwen - ADO Den Haag Vrijdag 2 december 2022 - 19:30 uur Sportpark AFC '34 AlkmaarAlkmaar Vrouwen neemt het op 02-12-2022 in de Eredivisie Vrouwen in eigen huis op tegen ADO Den Haag. [[[Vandaag<<]!!]] België Kroatië kijken stream 16 oktober 2022 De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Lotto Park in Brussels. >> Live RSC Anderlecht II - KRC Genk II stream kijken Eerste Divisie B 2022/2023 Standard Liège II - Lierse Kempenzonen Vrijdag 2 december 2022 - 20:00 uur Stade Maurice Dufrasne LiegeStandard Liège II neemt het op 02-12-2022 in de Eerste Divisie B in eigen huis op tegen Lierse Kempenzonen. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Montgomery Waters Meadow in Shrewsbury. >> Live Shrewsbury Town - Lincoln City stream kijken Sunderland - Millwall Zaterdag 3 december 2022 - 13:30 uur Stadium of Light SunderlandSunderland neemt het op 03-12-2022 in de Championship in eigen huis op tegen Millwall. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Stadium of Light in Sunderland. >> Live Sunderland - Millwall stream kijken Championship 2022/2023 Forest Green Rovers - Cambridge United Zaterdag 3 december 2022 - 14:00 uur The New Lawn NailsworthForest Green Rovers neemt het op 03-12-2022 in de League One in eigen huis op tegen Cambridge United. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in The New Lawn in Nailsworth. >> Live Forest Green Rovers - Cambridge United stream kijken Lausanne Sport - Basel Zaterdag 3 december 2022 - 14:30 uur Stade Olympique de la Pontaise LausanneLausanne Sport neemt het op 03-12-2022 in de Vriendschappelijk Club in eigen huis op tegen Basel. België - Kroatië » Tussenstand & Live stream + Odds Live Wedden Kroatië België - ((LIVE SPORT!!!)) Kroatië België kijken live stream 1 >> Live Deinze - Waasland-Beveren stream kijken Engeland - Senegal Zondag 4 december 2022 - 20:00 uur Al Bayt Stadium Al KhorEngeland neemt het op 04-12-2022 in de WK in eigen huis op tegen Senegal. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Al Bayt Stadium in Al Khor. >> Live Engeland - Senegal stream kijken Adana Demirspor - Fortuna Sittard Maandag 5 december 2022 - 11:30 uur Mardan Stadyumu (Antalya) AntalyaAdana Demirspor neemt het op 05-12-2022 in de Vriendschappelijk Club in eigen huis op tegen Fortuna Sittard. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Mardan Stadyumu (Antalya) in Antalya. >> Live Adana Demirspor - Fortuna Sittard stream kijken Vriendschappelijk Club 2022 Stockport County - Charlton Athletic Woensdag 7 december 2022 - 20:45 uur Edgeley Park StockportStockport County neemt het op 07-12-2022 in de FA Cup in eigen huis op tegen Charlton Athletic. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Edgeley Park in Stockport. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Kunstrasenplatz Jean-Löring-Sportpark in Beveren. >> Live Waasland-Beveren - RSC Anderlecht II stream kijken KRC Genk II - Club Brugge II Vrijdag 9 december 2022 - 20:00 uur KRC Genk II neemt het op 09-12-2022 in de Eerste Divisie B in eigen huis op tegen Club Brugge II. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in in. >> Live KRC Genk II - Club Brugge II stream kijken Blackburn Rovers - Preston North End Zaterdag 10 december 2022 - 13:00 uur Ewood Park BlackburnBlackburn Rovers neemt het op 10-12-2022 in de Championship in eigen huis op tegen Preston North End. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Ewood Park in Blackburn. >> Live Blackburn Rovers - Preston North End stream kijken Ipswich Town - Peterborough United Zaterdag 10 december 2022 - 13:30 uur Portman Road Stadium IpswichIpswich Town neemt het op 10-12-2022 in de League One in eigen huis op tegen Peterborough United. >> Live Excelsior Virton - Lommel United stream kijken Accrington Stanley - Oxford United Zaterdag 3 december 2022 - 16:00 uur Wham Stadium AccringtonAccrington Stanley neemt het op 03-12-2022 in de League One in eigen huis op tegen Oxford United. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Wham Stadium in Accrington. >> Live Accrington Stanley - Oxford United stream kijken RWDM - Club Brugge II Zaterdag 3 december 2022 - 20:00 uur Edmond Machtens-Stadion BruxellesRWDM neemt het op 03-12-2022 in de Eerste Divisie B in eigen huis op tegen Club Brugge II. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in The Valley in London. >> Live Charlton Athletic - Cheltenham Town stream kijken Ipswich Town - Fleetwood Town Vrijdag 2 december 2022 - 20:45 uur Portman Road Stadium IpswichIpswich Town neemt het op 02-12-2022 in de League One in eigen huis op tegen Fleetwood Town. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Portman Road Stadium in Ipswich. >> Live Ipswich Town - Fleetwood Town stream kijken Morecambe - Exeter City Vrijdag 2 december 2022 - 20:45 uur Mazuma Stadium MorecambeMorecambe neemt het op 02-12-2022 in de League One in eigen huis op tegen Exeter City. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Mazuma Stadium in Morecambe. >> Live Morecambe - Exeter City stream kijken Peterborough United - Barnsley Vrijdag 2 december 2022 - 20:45 uur Weston Homes Stadium PeterboroughPeterborough United neemt het op 02-12-2022 in de League One in eigen huis op tegen Barnsley. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Weston Homes Stadium in Peterborough. >> Live PEC Zwolle - Alkmaar Vrouwen stream kijken SC Heerenveen - Excelsior Barendrecht Vrouwen Vrijdag 9 december 2022 - 19:30 uur SC Heerenveen neemt het op 09-12-2022 in de Eredivisie Vrouwen in eigen huis op tegen Excelsior Barendrecht Vrouwen. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in in. >> Live SC Heerenveen - Excelsior Barendrecht Vrouwen stream kijken Telstar W - PSV Vrijdag 9 december 2022 - 19:30 uur Telstar W neemt het op 09-12-2022 in de Eredivisie Vrouwen in eigen huis op tegen PSV. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in in. >> Live Telstar W - PSV stream kijken Waasland-Beveren - RSC Anderlecht II Vrijdag 9 december 2022 - 20:00 uur Kunstrasenplatz Jean-Löring-Sportpark BeverenWaasland-Beveren neemt het op 09-12-2022 in de Eerste Divisie B in eigen huis op tegen RSC Anderlecht II. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Edmond Machtens-Stadion in Bruxelles. >> Live RWDM - Club Brugge II stream kijken Excelsior Barendrecht Vrouwen - PSV Zondag 4 december 2022 - 12:15 uur Van Donge & De Roo Stadion RotterdamExcelsior Barendrecht Vrouwen neemt het op 04-12-2022 in de Eredivisie Vrouwen in eigen huis op tegen PSV. De wedstrijd wordt gespeeld in Van Donge & De Roo Stadion in Rotterdam. >> Live Excelsior Barendrecht Vrouwen - PSV stream kijken Dender - Beerschot-Wilrijk Zondag 4 december 2022 - 13:30 uur Van Roystadion DenderleeuwDender neemt het op 04-12-2022 in de Eerste Divisie B in eigen huis op tegen Beerschot-Wilrijk. (STROOM) Kroatië België kijken live stream 1 december 2022
Dima Skvorsky
01. dec. 2022
In DaMS Møder
[8] Turbulent Times (1960–1974)[edit] Al Ahly won the competition every season until the 1959–60 competition. The 1954–55 season was even stopped when Al Ahly conflicted with the federation and refused to play. No title was awarded. In the 1959–60 competition season, Zamalek finally won their first title after consistently being runners-up. Al Ahly's grip on the league loosened; though they did win some titles, in the 1965–66 edition, they finished in 6th out of 12, closer to relegation than to the championship. [9] The decade had five different champions: Ismaily won their first title during this decade, and El-Olympi and Tersana won the league for the only time. Also, the 1962–63 and 1963–64 seasons featured 24 teams, a higher number than ever before. [5] The league ceased play in 1967 due to the Six-Day War between Egypt and Israel. This system has been around since 2015; before then, the number of teams and relegation places was variable. [edit] The Egyptian Premier League has been sponsored since 2005. The sponsor has been able to determine the league's sponsorship name. The list below details who the sponsors have been and what they called the competition: 2005–07: Vodafone Egyptian Premier League 2007–11: Etisalat Egyptian Premier League 2011–14: Vodafone Egyptian Premier League 2014–present: Egyptian Premier League (Sponsored by Presentation Sports) Qualification for African competitions[edit] Association ranking for 2022–23 CAF competitions[edit] Legend CL: CAF Champions League CC: CAF Confederation Cup Associations ranked 1–12 and eligible to enter two teams in each CAF tournament (Champions League and Confederation Cup) Rank Association 2018(× 1) 2018-19(× 2) 2019–20(× 3) 2020–21(× 4) 2021–22(× 5) Total 2022 2021 Mvt CL CC — Morocco 5 8 9 194 Egypt 176 +1 Algeria 115 -1 Tunisia 0 113 South Africa 0. 19 1974–75 Al Ahly (12) 20 1975–76 Al Ahly (13) Ghazl El Mahalla 21 1976–77 Al Ahly (14) El Ittihad El Sakndary 22 1977–78 Zamalek (4) 23 1978–79 Al Ahly (15) 24 1979–80 Al Ahly (16) 25 1980–81 Al Ahly (17) 26 1981–82 Al Ahly (18) 27 1982–83 Al Mokawloon (1) 28 1983–84 Zamalek (5) 29 1984–85 Al Ahly (19) 30 1985–86 Al Ahly (20) 31 1986–87 Al Ahly (21) 32 1987–88 Zamalek (6) 33 1988–89 Al Ahly (22) 1989–90 Not finished due to preparation of Egypt for the 1990 FIFA World Cup. 34 1990–91 Ismaily (2) 35 1991–92 Zamalek (7) 36 1992–93 Zamalek (8) 37 1993–94 Al Ahly (23) 38 1994–95 Al Ahly (24) 39 1995–96 Al Ahly (25) 40 1996–97 Al Ahly (26) El Mansoura 41 1997–98 Al Ahly (27) Al Mokawloon 42 1998–99 Al Ahly (28) 43 1999–00 Al Ahly (29) 44 2000–01 Zamalek (9) 45 2001–02 Ismaily (3) 46 2002–03 Zamalek (10) 47 2003–04 Zamalek (11) 48 2004–05 Al Ahly (30) ENPPI Haras El Hodoud 49 2005–06 Al Ahly (31) 50 2006–07 Al Ahly (32) 51 2007–08 Al Ahly (33) 52 2008–09 Al Ahly (34) Petrojet 53 Al Ahly (35) 54 Al Ahly (36) 2011–12 Not finished due to the Port Said Stadium riot. The EFA felt that a national league, rather than many local leagues, was necessary. The President of the EFA passed the idea on to King Farouk I, who was an avid football fan. The Egyptian Premier League was founded by royal decree, and began play in 1948. [3] Early Years (1948–60)[edit] The Al Ahly squad that won the first Egyptian Premier League season. The first match, played on October 22, was between King Farouk Club (now Zamalek) and Al Masry SC, and finished in a 5–1 victory for Farouk. The match featured the first goal in the Egyptian Premier League, scored by Farouk's Mohamed Amin, and the first hat-trick in the new league, by Suad Rustom. [6] During this time, Priemer League results in matches between clubs from Cairo were counted as Cairo League results as well. The Cairo League ceased play in 1952. [5] Al Ahly won the first three competitions, though in 1949–50 they required a playoff against Tersana SC. [7] The league was not contested during what would have been the 1951–52 season, as Egypt's national team were competing in the 1952 Summer Olympics. Season Champions(number of titles) Runners-up Third place 1948–49 Al Ahly (1) Tersana Ismaily 1949–50 Al Ahly (2) Zamalek 1950–51 Al Ahly (3) Al Masry 1951–52 Not played due to participation in the 1952 Summer Olympics. 1952–53 Al Ahly (4) 1953–54 Al Ahly (5) 1954–55 Not finished due to refusal of Al Ahly to comply with the federation's penalty of playing one match away from home. 1955–56 Al Ahly (6) El Qannah 1956–57 Al Ahly (7) 1957–58 Al Ahly (8) El Olympi 1958–59 Al Ahly (9) 10 1959–60 Zamalek (1) Al Ahly 1960–61 Al Ahly (10) 12 1961–62 Al Ahly (11) 1962–63 Tersana (1) 14 1963–64 Zamalek (2) 15 1964–65 Zamalek (3) 16 1965–66 El Olympi (1) 17 1966–67 Ismaily (1) 1967–71 Not played due to the Six-Day War. 1971–72 Not finished due to violence during Al Ahly vs Zamalek match. 18 1972–73 Ghazl El Mahalla (1) 1973–74 Not finished due to the 6th of October War. 2012–13 Not finished due to the 30th of June revolution 55 Al Ahly (37) Smouha 56 Zamalek (12) 57 Al Ahly (38) 58 Al Ahly (39) Misr Lel Makasa 59 Al Ahly (40) 60 Al Ahly (41) Pyramids 61 Al Ahly (42) 62 Zamalek (13) 63 2021–22 Zamalek (14) Performance[edit] Performance by club[edit] Club Winners Third places Winning Seasons 1948–49, 1949–50, 1950–51, 1952–53, 1953–54, 1955–56, 1956–57, 1957–58, 1958–59, 1960–61, 1961–62, 1974–75, 1975–76, 1976–77, 1978–79, 1979–80, 1980–81, 1981–82, 1984–85, 1985–86, 1986–87, 1988–89, 1993–94, 1994–95, 1995–96, 1996–97, 1997–98, 1998–99, 1999–00, 2004–05, 2005–06, 2006–07, 2007–08, 2008–09, 2009–10, 2010–11, 2013–14, 2015–16, 2016–17, 2017–18, 2018–19, 2019–20 Zamelek 1959–60, 1963–64, 1964–65, 1977–78, 1983–84, 1987–88, 1991–92, 1992–93, 2000–01, 2002–03, 2003–04, 2014–15, 2020–21, 2021–22 1966–67, 1990–91, 2001–02 – Performance by city[edit] Club(s) Al Ahly (42) and Al Mokawloon (1) Giza Zamalek (14) and Tersana (1) El Mahalla El Kubra Doubles[edit] Two teams have won the double of the Egyptian Premier League and the Egypt Cup. [25] Partial fans return (2021–Present)[edit] At the beginning of the 2021-2022 season, 2000 fans were allowed in every match (1000 per team). The situation was getting better that in May 2022 the number increased to 5000 (2500 per team). The 2021-2022 witnessed an improvement of the Egyptian Premier League, the appearance of teams such as: Cairo’s based Future FC and Alexandria’s based Pharco FC made the league more challenging and entertaining. Zamalek defended their title after they won the 2021-2022 edition of the league, while Al Ahly witnessed a mass deterioration and even finished the league in the 3rd place (behind Pyramids FC and Zamalek) to be out of the top two since 1992 when the club ended the league in the 4th place. Ismaily was on the verge of relegation to the second division but the club eventually managed to improve its results and finished the season in 9th place, while the newly founded Future FC finished in 5th place and managed to qualify for the CAF Confederation Cup, as it was in fourth place in most of the 2021-2022 season but lost the position to Tala’ea El Geish right at the end of the season. They also continued to dominate the CAF Champions League, becoming the most successful team in the competition. The league was one of the strongest and best-attended in Africa, [13] ranking near the top of the CAF 5-Year Ranking since its inception. In 2011, another revolution began, part of the Arab Spring, which eventually resulting in the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak. Football featured heavily in the popular uprising, as ultras from clubs such as Al Ahly took part in the revolution. Egyptian Premier League current clubs[edit] The following 18 clubs are competing in the Egyptian Premier League as of the 2021–22 season. +Promoted teams (from the 2020–21 Second Division season to the Premier League) locations[edit] Location of teams in 2022–23 Premier League Current stadiums[edit] Stadium City Seating Capacity Aswan Stadium Aswan 11, 000 Borg El Arab Stadium Alexandria 86, 000 Cairo International Stadium Cairo 74, 100 Egyptian Army Stadium Suez 45, 000 Osman Ahmed Osman Stadium 35, 000 Al Salam Stadium 30, 000 Cairo Military Academy Stadium 28, 500 Petrosport Stadium 25, 000 Police Academy Stadium 12, 000 Harras El-Hedoud Stadium 22, 500 30th of June Stadium El Mahalla Stadium Mahalla 29, 000 Ismailia Stadium Ismaïlia 18, 525 Alexandria Stadium 13, 660 List of seasons[edit] The following table provides a summary of seasons:[27] No. ᐉ Aswan vs Pharco Live Stream, Tip - Football Predictions [5] Post-war Period (1974–2002)[edit] The league returned to its 24-team format for the 1975–76 championship, but it quickly reverted to a format featuring between 12 and 16 teams. After the Yom Kippur War, Al Ahly won three championships straight, followed by a single championship for Zamalek. This pattern would continue until 1990: Al Ahly would win many championships, followed by a single win for Zamalek. This was only interrupted by Al Mokawloon winning the 1982–83 edition. This is the latest time a team has won the League for the first time. [1] Two clubs have also won the CAF Confederation Cup. The Egyptian Premier League once had among highest average stadium attendance in Africa and the Middle East until the Port Said Stadium riot occurred on 1 February 2012 after a league match involving Al Masry and Al Ahly, where 74 people were killed and more than 500 were injured. The war ended in a decisive victory for Israel, [10] and league play was not resumed until 1971. In 1969, Ismaily were allowed to play in the CAF Champions League (then the African Cup of Champion Clubs) as the most recent champions. [note 3] They became the first Egyptian club to win that competition, though both Al Ahly and Zamalek have now won it many more times. [11] In 1971, the league was restarted, only to be swiftly suspended again due to fighting at a match between Al Ahly and Zamalek. A controversial penalty for Zamalek resulted in a pitch invasion, and the dispute was so intense that the league was not allowed to continue. [12] Ghazl El Mahalla won the league in the 1972–73 season for the only time in their history, but the league was then suspended again for the 1973–74 season because of the Yom Kippur War. [5] Al Ahly and Zamalek also dominated the CAF Champions League, starting with a 1982 triumph for Al Ahly. The Egyptian Priemer League became the most successful league in that tournament when Zamalek won in 1993. [11] The league was not played in 1990 because of Egypt's qualification for the 1990 World Cup. After this delay, Ismaily won the 1990–91 season, followed by Zamalek winning twice in a row, and after that Al Ahly won every season until the turn of the century. Zamalek and Ismaily briefly rose in power once again between 2000 and 2004, and Ismaily's 2001–02 win is the latest time that a team other than Zamalek and Al Ahly have won. [5] Normalcy, then Disaster (2002–2013)[edit] Between 2004 and 2011, Al Ahly won every edition of the Egyptian Premier League, occasianally being challenged by Zamalek or Ismaily. The league comprises 18 teams and operates on a system of promotion and relegation with the Egyptian Second Division. Seasons mostly run from August to May. Unlike most other leagues, all games are played all over the week. The Egyptian Premier League was founded in 1948, unifying the local leagues that had existed previously. 70 clubs have competed in the league since its founding. Al Ahly have won the title 42 times, more than any other club. Their closest rivals, Zamalek, have won the league 14 times. Only five other clubs have won the league; those clubs are Ghazl El Mahalla, Ismaily, Al Mokawloon Al Arab, Olympic Club, and Tersana. The Egyptian Premier League is one of the top national leagues, ranked second in Africa according to CAF's 5-Year Ranking for the 2022–23 season, based on performances in African competitions over the past five seasons. Egyptian teams have won the CAF Champions League a record 16 times, and Al Ahly was named the African Club of the Century by CAF. Pharco vs Al Ahly: Live Score, Stream and H2H results 12/20 The Sultan Hussein Cup was founded in 1917, and though it was dominated by English clubs in its first years, Egyptian clubs quickly gained power. [3] The Egypt Cup, which no British teams competed in, began in 1922. [4] The first major football league in Egypt also began play in 1922; consisting of clubs from Cairo, it was called the Cairo Zone Competition. Three other leagues, in Alexandria, on the Suez Canal, and an obscure league in 'Bahary'[note 1] began soon afterwards. It was at this time that the clubs Al-Ahly and Zamalek[note 2] began their dominance, with the two clubs regularly winning the Cairo Zone Competition and the Egypt Cup. [5] In 1938, the Egyptian Football Association (EFA) took control of the Cairo Zone Competition, along with the other three leagues. The Cairo Zone Competition was renamed the Cairo League, but otherwise remained mostly unchanged until the mid-1940s. Football, Egypt: Pharco live scores, results, fixtures Aswan FC vs Pharco FC Live Stream & Prediction, H2H Aswan FC vs Pharco FC - 2022-12-01 Match Overview
Dima Skvorsky
30. nov. 2022
In DaMS Møder
Minnesota passed a significant test just to claw into the postseason. The brash, young Memphis Grizzlies represent an even tougher task in this upcoming matchup between teams short on postseason experience, but heavy on ambition, athleticism, and talent. Build your own NBA Playoff bracketAnalysis - Why Jokic will win three-man MVP raceNBA live news wire: stories, updates and gossip from around the leagueWhat NBA Basketball is live on Sky Sports? TV games listed here Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player Memphis Grizzlies' Ja Morant broke his own franchise record against the San Antonio Spurs earlier this season, scoring 52 points and dazzling the crowd with some highlight plays! Led by Morant, the Grizzlies birthed the next generation of "Grit and Grind" by steamrolling through opponents this season on the way to capturing the NBA's second-best record (56-26) and winning 19 of their last 22 games at FedExForum. In doing so, Memphis became one of just three teams to seize at least 30 home wins in 2021-22. Two of those wins at FedExForum came courtesy of Minnesota. But once Memphis hit the road to face the Timberwolves, the tables turned. The four-game, regular-season series between these teams was a 2-2 tie, with Russell averaging 31. 0 points to lead Minnesota and Morant averaging 20 ppg. Morant missed a total of 25 games in 2021-22, but he participated in every matchup against the Timberwolves in a series where all but one game was decided by eight points or fewer. The teams haven't played since February 24, when Russell and Towns combined for 59 points in a 119-114 victory. So, don't be fooled by Minnesota's seventh seeding. In fact, the Timberwolves are just as brash and talented as the Grizzlies, which should make for a physical and competitive series. Three things to watch1. Memphis Grizzlies vs Minnesota Timberwolves Game 6 watch 8 in the Western Conference standings and a full game ahead of the No. 9 Denver Nuggets. Another win, of course, will push the Silver and Black away from the edge of the picture and secure their spot. However, with a playoff team-ridden schedule ahead, a postseason position is no guarantee. The Timberwolves sit at No. 4 in the West, but only one game ahead of the Spurs who, with a win, push the gap closer between these teams. Grizzlies vs. Timberwolves: How to watch online, live stream Grizzlies-Timberwolves: Game Time, Schedule, TV Channel, and Live StreamThe Memphis Grizzlies (19-54) take on the Minnesota Timberwolves (42-32) at Target Center. Game Time: 8:00PM EDT/5:00PM PDT on Monday, March 26thTV: FS-NLive Stream: Watch the game online with fuboTV (free trial). Sign up now for a free seven-day trial. Local viewers watch the live stream on Fox Sports Go. Non-local viewers watch the live stream on NBA League Pass. You can also follow the game live on the ClutchPoints app. Grizzlies Active Roster: Brice Johnson, Marquis Teague, Jarell Martin, Ben McLemore, JaMychal Green, Deyonta Davis, Chandler Parsons, Mike Conley, Andrew Harrison, Dillon Brooks, Briante Weber, Mario Chalmers, Wayne Selden Jr., Marc Gasol, Kobi Simmons, Ivan Rabb, Tyreke EvansGrizzlies Injured Players:Chandler Parsons (Day To Day – Knee): Parsons is Questionable for Monday’s (Mar 26) game against the Timberwolves. Spurs vs. Timberwolves live stream: Watch San Antonio vs 8 in the Western Conference standings and a full game ahead of the No. 9 Denver Nuggets. Another win, of course, will push the Silver and Black away from the edge of the picture and secure their spot. However, with a playoff team-ridden schedule ahead, a postseason position is no guarantee. The Timberwolves sit at No. 4 in the West, but only one game ahead of the Spurs who, with a win, push the gap closer between these teams. Same goes for Beverley and the Timberwolves because you better believe the Grizzlies have frustrated plenty of opponents with their trash talk. Just ask LeBron James. 3. Talent galore on both teams: Going into this series, you'll hear plenty about highlight machines Morant and Anthony Edwards, along with Towns. Timberwolves vs.Grizzlies live stream tv channel radio station How Memphis defends Towns: LA Clippers coach Tyronn Lue provided somewhat of a blueprint on Tuesday, utilising Nicolas Batum on Towns to take away the perimeter before doubling with Ivica Zubac below the free-throw line. That strategy (and foul trouble) resulted in Towns shooting 0 of 7 in the first half for two points, and he picked up four fouls. Towns didn't knock down his first bucket of the second half until the 7:05 mark of the third quarter. The Grizzlies likely won't need to resort LA's strategy with a Kia Defensive Player of the Year candidate in Jaren Jackson Jr. Minnesota Timberwolves - Memphis Grizzlies - Oddspedia and Steven Adams in the frontcourt. Towns is Minnesota's leading scorer, but he didn't lead the Timberwolves in that department during any of the team's matchups against Memphis in the regular season. 2. The Pat Beverley effect: Beverley scored just seven points against the Clippers, but we all saw the effect the scrappy veteran had on the outcome of the game. Beverley has played in 59 career playoff games and knows all the tricks and hustle moves that irritate opponents into game-changing mistakes. If you've ever heard the expression, "you've got the right one, " then you know that's what Beverley's got on his hands facing these Grizzlies. Dillon Brooks, Desmond Bane, and Morant aren't afraid to mix it up, and they'll chirp back and forth with Beverley all game. The key for them is to not let Beverley's antics negatively affect their performance. Minnesota Timberwolves vs Memphis Grizzlies - Sky Sports Spurs vs. Timberwolves live stream: Watch San Antonio vs. Minnesota onlineOn Saturday night, the San Antonio Spurs will host the Minnesota Timberwolves. It’s one game closer to the 2017-18 season’s closure, which concludes in three weeks. The AT&T Center in San Antonio, TX will be the background drop for this matchup. The Spurs, for one of the first times in the 2018 portion of this campaign, won back-to-back games. This was against the Orlando Magic and New Orleans Pelicans. Going for three consecutive victories will put this team in unchartered territory, and one step closer to securing a playoff spot. Heading into Saturday’s game, San Antonio sits at No. But don't forget about Bane, Jackson, Brooks, and Russell. Russell has dropped 30 points or more in three games this season against the Grizzlies, and we all saw what he did to lift Minnesota to the postseason. Bane, 23, is a candidate for Kia Most Improved Player honors and one of the league's most lethal 3-point shooters. Jackson, 22, is a standout defender while Brooks, 26, is widely considered the heart and soul of the team. In all, there's a lot more star power to this matchup than you think. Minnesota Timberwolves Archives - Fubo News - fuboTV LIVESTREAM! Minnesota Timberwolves vs Memphis Grizzlies Mike Conley (Out For Season – Achilles): Conley is expected to be ready for basketball activities around late May or early June, according to Ronald Tillery of The Memphis Commercial Appeal. He’s expected to be ready for training camp for the 2018-2019 season. Ivan Rabb (Out – Heel): Rabb has been ruled Out for Monday’s (Mar 26) game against the Timberwolves. Tyreke Evans (Out – Personal): Evans has been ruled Out for Monday’s (Mar 26) game against the Timberwolves. Timberwolves Active Roster: Cole Aldrich, Jimmy Butler, Derrick Rose, Andrew Wiggins, Jamal Crawford, Justin Patton, Taj Gibson, Jeff Teague, Nemanja Bjelica, Karl-Anthony Towns, Aaron Brooks, Tyus Jones, Marcus Georges-Hunt, Gorgui DiengTimberwolves Injured Players:Jimmy Butler (Out – Knee): The Timberwolves announced Butler had successful meniscus surgery on his right knee and will be sideline indefinitely. Memphis Grizzlies vs Minnesota Timberwolves - Bolavip

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